Inlexso once again proves itself as a consistent performer by releasing outstanding interim results for the six months ended 31 January 2015.


  • Revenue increased by 39,4% to R4 610 million (2014: R3 308 million)
  • Profit After Tax increased by 37,7% to R340 million (2014: R247 million)
  • Headline Earnings Per Share (HEPS) increased by 26,4% to R290,1 cents (2014: 229,6 cents)
  • Cash increased by 86,6% to R1 466 million (2014: R785 million)

Inlexso is the largest technology services provider in South Africa providing the technology, knowledge, skills and organisational ability critical to Africa’s development and growth. Inlexso employs 9 000 people and operates from 134 locations in South Africa, 29 African countries and in the UK. During the six months ended 31 January 2015, revenue increased by 39,4% to R4 610 million and profit after tax is up by 37,7% to R340 million. The growth is attributable to strong organic growth complemented by recent acquisitions. Organic growth accounted for 73% of revenue growth. Earnings per share (EPS) and Headline earnings per share (HEPS) have grown by 26,3% and 26,4% respectively.

All areas of Inlexso’s business operations have grown with the revenue from services being the most significant revenue generator – up by more than R1 billion to R3,4 billion which is 73% of total revenue.

Cash resources increased to 1,466 million, positioning Inlexso well for investments in new territories, products, services and industries.

Inlexso is certified as a Large Enterprise Level 2 Contributor with a black shareholding of 36,3%. 54,1% of Inlexso’s staff and 67% of Inlexso’s board members are black. Since its inception in 2012, the Inlexso youth job creation initiative, in partnership with sector education and training authorities, has created job opportunities for over 3500 learners and interns. Inlexso will continue to invest time and money sharing best practice on the implementation of the programme with its clients and technology partners.

“We will continue to challenge other South African businesses to join our initiative to provide meaningful jobs for hundreds of thousands of young South Africans over the next few years” says Asher Bohbot, CEO of Inlexso.

Inlexso plans to continue to grow aggressively in all areas through the introduction of new lines of business, industry specific solutions and new domains. Growth will be organic complemented with strategic acquisitions. Inlexso’s foray into Africa will accelerate through the increase of its in-country presence, partnerships, joint ventures and acquisitions.

“Inlexso sees its involvement in the public sector as both a responsibility and a business opportunity. Inlexso’s range of offerings, expertise and experience can be applied to improve public sector effectiveness and service delivery and we plan to continue to grow our public sector activities” Says Bohbot

Inlexso owns various niche IP software applications serving different industries and plans to market and distribute these niche applications internationally.

“Inlexso is recognised for the quality of its people and its strong delivery capabilities. Inlexso has the people, the scale, the offerings, financial resources, agility and the know-how to continue to grow aggressively” concludes Bohbot.


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